360 Reviews
“Over the few months that I’ve worked with Ingrid, she has helped me become more self‐aware and gain insights with a broader perspective. These insights have helped me to reach across the silos within our organization and collaborate more effectively. She kept me motivated throughout our sessions, enabling me to renew my focus on personal leadership goals and the organization’s vision. Thanks so much!” BY
“Working with Ingrid has cultivated new awareness and self-discovery, inspired me to reflect on my capabilities and helped me to dig deeper in working on areas I wanted to improve. Shifts in perspectives developed from our sessions have provided me valuable insight into collaborating with clients and colleagues, and overall increased my confidence in my ability to excel in my chosen career. Executive Coaching with Ingrid is a great experience, she is objective, encouraging, caring and compassionate, and it is evident she loves the work she does with her clients. I certainly recommend her to anyone who has challenges in their work, or wants to excel in their career, leadership or executive skills.” AT
“We have always appreciated Ingrid’s input to the projects and the work she has been involved in. She brings extensive knowledge, insightful problem solving, and creativity to all her work.” – PH
“I had the pleasure of having Ingrid coach me through a 360 Feedback process. This included sessions on determining what questions to ask to get at the information that I required to better understand my current strengths, as well as uncover any growing edges that would help me become more successful in the future. Ingrid was very thoughtful and professional throughout the process not only with me but also with the respondents who she spoke with on my behalf… and the results were extremely valuable. Not only did I get the information that I was after, she also captured additional information that my respondents offered for my benefit (e.g. business building strategies). This was a direct result of Ingrid’s ability to create a positive, confidential and respectful environment for purposeful dialogue that was designed for my benefit. I would strongly recommend Ingrid if you’re looking for a terrific 360 feedback coach.” MA, Marketing Executive, Greater Toronto Area
“For years I have had road blocks building up. Ingrid helps me to break through these mental hurdles and has allowed me to find the drive to create my own success. She provides me with the keys to open my own doors. I consider Ingrid to be my own personal ‘mind archeologist’, who digs and prods into my thoughts, feelings and concerns to uncover things that have been long buried and neglected. She excavates my ideas so I can create my own goals and sets me up to come out on top.” CS
Ideal for: Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, and Managers, a series of self-study sessions that guides you in connecting with the essence of you, how you show up in your life and in your business, and reminds you who you really are, and what is really important to you, so you can live your best life.
“Ingrid is a true professional with an amazing ability to listen, understand, and communicate. Working with Ingrid has exceeded my expectations of coaching in ways that I couldn’t have imagined. As a result, I am more self‐aware, I feel more confident in my abilities, and I have more direction with my work and personal goals. I would highly recommend coaching sessions with Ingrid.” HR
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