On your journey to success the most significant obstacles you will experience are not external challenges, but rather your internal enemies, those inner thoughts that convince you that you are not good enough… you won’t succeed… you don’t deserve… it will be too hard… the easy way is better… you did that wrong… and ALL the other unhelpful or negative thoughts that pop into your head and discourage you from trying, and doing, what you really want!
This Is Why 80% Of People DON’T Reach Their Full Potential
It’s the limitations your inner critics, your saboteurs, place on you that hold you back. Your saboteurs are the deeply ingrained patterns of thought and behavior that stem from fear, insecurity, and negative beliefs. They operate beneath the surface, and are really good at undermining your confidence, creativity, resilience, happiness, success, etc. they also colour the lens through which you see, and react in, the world.
Your inner critics will keep you trapped in your ‘comfort zone’, and keep you playing small in your life, your business, and your relationships. Some of them are easily identified, and some are really really good at hiding, but every time something doesn’t go as you planned… or how you expected… they are there like a band of bullies saying ‘see, I told you so…’ They are the inner judge(s) that you view yourself and others with.
Inner critics are a universal phenomenon — everyone is afflicted by them, and you’ve very likely allowed them to feed your stress, anxiety, and fears, as they undermine your wellness, your performance, your relationships, and your happiness. The question is not whether you have these inner critics, but how yours operate and how strong they are.
How Your Saboteurs Affect You
Your Saboteurs’ thinking, feeling, and reacting patterns have become soft-coded in your brain through neural pathways. When these neural pathways are triggered, you are “hijacked” by your Saboteurs, and you feel, think, and act using their patterns.
Saboteur patterns are often rooted in fear, anger, regret, shame, guilt, obligation, and negative self-talk, and your devilish Saboteurs will claim this is good for you. For example, the Judge Saboteur tells you that constantly badgering yourself over your mistakes and shortcomings will cause you to improve and achieve. But ultimately, what really happens is you waste precious vitality and energy beating yourself up and suffering through the negativity.
The reality is that your Saboteurs are the cause of your unnecessary stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness, and they keep you trapped there! The Saboteurs’ deeply ingrained patterns will hijack your ability to perform at your best, feel your best, and nurture healthy relationships.
The great news is that you can significantly reduce the power of these mental foes. The key to weakening Saboteurs is identifying them and exposing their hidden beliefs, their patterns, and the lies they tell you. By doing so you can create a “mug shot” of your internal enemy, profiling it so the moment it shows up you can diminish its credibility and power over your thoughts and actions.
Identifying and intercepting your Saboteurs is a crucial step towards improving performance, relationships, wellbeing, team dynamics, and organizational success. It starts with understanding the origin of Saboteurs and how they affect you.
My Experience In The PQ Mental Fitness Program
My own experience in taking the Positive Intelligence PQ Program has been life changing, which is why I decided to partner with Positive Intelligence, become a PQ Mental Fitness Coach, and help others conquer their Saboteurs so they can live the life they deserve to live.
My dominant Saboteur was Pleaser, this manifested as trying too hard to ensure everyone was happy, having weak boundaries, thus sacrificing my own happiness for the happiness of others. Also, like everyone else, I’ve had things that niggle and fester in my thoughts… thoughts that raised my stress, anxiety, and fears…. every time, and others I thought I had ‘processed and moved past’, such as trauma in childhood, a divorce, and the resentment of losing my career due to an MVA, to name a few. But, residual feelings would still surface from time to time.
I know you know what I’m talking about.
However, since the PQ Program when I think of these things/circumstances, I no longer feel any stress, anxiety, or resentment. I can’t even conjure up the feelings I had related to all those events, it is truly remarkable! About halfway through the program I felt an internal shift in my thoughts, I felt different physically, and I even saw myself differently in the mirror (I’d love for you to experience this too). I have better boundaries now, I am happier, far less stressed, I have the tools and skills to shift and let icky things go quicker, I am more focused and productive, my sleep is better, my mental resilience and fitness has improved tremendously, and continues to do so. I’ve even lost a few pounds. These are just some of my results.
The PQ Program has been more impactful for me in just 6 weeks, than all the other tools I have used to navigate circumstances life has put in my path. The PQ Program helps you gets to the root cause of your habitual unhelpful thoughts in a simple easy way, and with practice you build the mental fitness muscles to shift your unhelpful thoughts and perspective effortlessly.
True transformation requires 20% insight generation and 80% muscle building. By building and exercising your Saboteur Interceptor Muscle you can identify and label your negative thoughts and emotions as Saboteur and let them go at that moment. By practicing a simple daily repetition, over an extended period of time, you can convert your healthy new insights into the new mental muscles it takes to achieve and sustain your positive mental health.
Our bad habits live in our minds in the form of neural pathways — aka mental muscles — that automatically generate our old responses. You can’t fight these mental muscles with insight alone. It takes muscle to fight muscle, and no book, 2-day workshop, or coaching session can build up enough strength for the new way to overcome the old way.
Through understanding the impact of your Saboteurs, implementing strategies for intercepting them, and cultivating a lifelong mental fitness practice, you and your team can overcome self-sabotage and unlock your full potential for performance and happiness.
Improve Your Work and Your Life
Discover Your Saboteurs, And Stop Your Self-Sabotage
In Just 6 Weeks
Get Started
Send me an email to request access to the Free Saboteur Assessment: ingrid@oxfordmgmtassoc.com
Talk soon!
Ingrid A. Kanters, MBA, CEC, CPA, CGA
PQ Mental Fitness Coach | C-Level Coach | Strategist | Business Mentor | Speaker